Mullein: Lighting the Torch for the Age of Aquarius

Mullein: Lighting the Torch for the Age of Aquarius

Mullein: Lighting the Torch for the Age of Aquarius

Pluto’s journey through Capricorn over the past 16 years has been pushing us to face hard truths about the systems and structures we rely on—in our personal lives and society. The collective chaos, grief, and fear we’re moving through has been...intense. As Pluto makes its final pass from Capricorn to Aquarius, I’m thinking about mullein again and how it's all connected

Pluto, the planet of transformation, symbolizes death, rebirth, and deep change. It forces hidden truths to surface, compelling us to confront whatever truths we've been avoiding. 

Think of Pluto as the zodiac’s alchemist. When it transits a sign, it intensifies the themes of that sign. Since 2008, Pluto has been in Capricorn, which governs systems, structures, and authority. This period has been marked by economic crises, political upheaval, and an awakening to the corruption within these frameworks. Pluto’s work in Capricorn isn’t easy; this is shadow work, it’s about challenging outdated traditions and pushing for systemic change.

As Pluto prepares to enter Aquarius, its focus shifts to innovation, freedom, and collective progress. Aquarius is the rebel -  this new chapter is about breaking free from restrictions and embracing a vision for humanity that values individuality, cooperation, and the flow of new ideas.

Through the lens of astro-herbalism, we can turn to the planets, stars, and plants for guidance, finding wisdom and support - preparation, even -  in their archetypal energies.

And this is where our good friend Mullein comes in. I can think of no better play ally for support during this time of transformation, then that of the marvelous magician, mullein. Verbascum thapsus. Torch bearer. With its grounding roots and airy, fluffy leaves, its tall torch of flowers illuminating our path, mullein offers bridge between Capricorn and Aquarius, stability and connection so we can bend and flow on the winds of futurism and freedom.

fresh harvested mullein root

Mullein’s Capricorn Energy – Structure, Support, and Release

Capricorn is an earth sign, focused on stability, structure, and foundations. Mullein’s tall, sturdy stalk reflects this energy, supporting physical alignment, especially the spine, back, and musculoskeletal system. Its roots, which dig deep into the soil, offer grounding energy—perfect for easing tension, providing stability, and encouraging resilience.

I remember digging up a mullein root last fall and being astonished at the amount of water that poured out when it cracked open. The hollow root seemed to act like a vessel, storing and holding that water until it was ready to be released. It felt symbolic—Capricorn energy can be rigid and structured, much like the soil that mullein digs into, and it often needs help releasing what it holds so tightly. Mullein is like that release, helping us let go of the old patterns and rigidity.

The water pouring out also connects beautifully to Aquarius, the water bearer. Aquarius, despite its air sign nature, carries the symbolic waters of life, wisdom, and healing. In that moment, I saw mullein as both the deep-rooted structure of Capricorn storing the flowing, life-giving energy of Aquarius, ready to pour out when needed.

astrology chart and pen on a desk with flowers in the background

Mullein’s Aquarian Energy – Freedom, Flow, and Innovation

As Pluto prepares to enter Aquarius, we are called to embrace innovation, freedom, and collective transformation. Mullein’s airy, light nature and its support for the respiratory system resonate with Aquarius’s emphasis on movement, flow, and expansion. Just as Aquarius pushes beyond limitations, mullein helps clear physical and energetic blockages, allowing us to breathe more freely and align with new possibilities. It reminds us to connect to our breath as a force of creation, consciousness, and freedom. Its towering flower stalk is both rigid and flexible; it bends under pressure yet rebounds to regain its form—an embodiment of Aquarian resilience and adaptability.

By working with mullein, we can cultivate a sense of openness, clarity, and flow, supporting us as we transition into a new paradigm. Its expansive energy helps us break free from old constraints, aligning with the forward-thinking, visionary spirit of Aquarius.

one yellow mullein flower blooms on a stalk that has turned brown after the first frost of the season

How to Work with Mullein During Pluto’s Transition

If you’re feeling the effects of this transformative period, here are some practical ways to incorporate mullein into your routine:

  1. Mullein as Medicine
    Using mullein extract is an excellent way to integrate its grounding and expansive properties into your life. A few drops in water or tea provide both physical and energetic support—root extract supports the spine, hips, and reproductive/urinary systems, grounding and centering you; leaf extract clears lung congestion, enhances oxygen capacity, supports the body’s flow, and eases tension.

    I love working with both but root medicine is especially powerful—it’s feral and deep, literally of the earth and aligns perfectly with the image of Pluto taking his ride through the underworld—rooting out what no longer serves and shining a light on secrets ready to be revealed. Whichever form you choose, set your intentions, visualize the flow of mullein energy throughout your body, out your perineum, into the earth - when you feel the earth reach back up into your body, let the energy swirl and flow.

  2. Breathwork Ritual
    Mullein pairs beautifully with breathwork, supporting the respiratory system by clearing lung congestion and promoting healing. To connect, brew a tea with mullein leaves—adding mint or lemon balm can enhance the flavor. Or simply hold an image of the plant in your mind. As you breathe, visualize mullein’s essence softening tension and fostering openness, especially in the lungs and heart. Picture its big, lung-shaped leaves cradling your chest like a warm blanket. Imagine these leaves turning into an iridescent mist, sweeping through your lungs, clearing debris, negativity, or trapped energy. Feel its nurturing presence expanding with each breath.

  3. Meditation or Bath
    Incorporate mullein flower essence into meditation or bath rituals. Add a few drops to your bath or anoint your wrists before meditation. The essence supports emotional release, opening space for new clarity and insight, and empowers your voice. Visualize the mullein-infused water washing away what no longer serves. What does that feel like? Imagine your strength as you bend gracefully, ebbing and flowing with life.

  4. Intentional Use
    Intention is powerful. During this astrological transition, setting intentions for release and renewal while working with mullein amplifies its effects. Reflect on what patterns you’re ready to release (Capricorn) and what possibilities you wish to embrace (Aquarius). As you engage with mullein, focus on these intentions, allowing the plant’s energy to align your body and spirit.

  5. Questions to Ask or Journal:
    • What structures or beliefs are no longer serving me?
    • What secrets or stories am I ready to release?
    • How can I create more space for freedom and flow in my life?
    • What does transformation mean to me at this moment?

Embrace the Flow with Mullein

As a plant medicine maker, I absolutely believe plants appear when we need them most. Over the past several years, mullein has been sprouting up everywhere—literally and figuratively. Mullein is more than just a plant remedy; it offers itself to you to support your for personal transformation, helping us navigate the shifts that come with Pluto’s transition. Its dual nature supports both stability and freedom, making it a powerful companion for those seeking to release old patterns and align with new ways of being. 

If mullein is ringing your bell and you want to talk more, reach out! I'd love to hear from you: leslie at


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    Harrod Buhner, Stephen. Sacred Plant Medicine: The Wisdom in Native American Herbalism. Roberts Rinehart, 1996.

    Cowan, Eliot. Plant Spirit Medicine. Swan Raven & Co., 1995.

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    Gupta, Ashutosh, et al. "Health‐promoting and Disease‐mitigating Potential of Verbascum thapsus L. (Common Mullein): A Review." Phytotherapy Research, vol. 36, no. 4, 2022, pp. 1507-1522.

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    Williams, Josh. Spiritual Herbalism: The Magic and Medicine of the Plants. Aeon Books, 2022.

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