Summer Wind

Summer Wind

"The summer wind came blowin' in from across the sea"

LeeHouse Newsletter • July 31, 2022 • D.Lee

summer at leehouse with a old blue farmhouse in the background and a foreground of sunflowers, veggies, and herbs

Yes indeed,,, SUMMER.
In Ben Lomond that means frequent power outages, toasty temps and the high probability of wildfires (CZU⚡️never forget). It also means 16ft sunflowers, peppers and tomatoes turning from green to red, and a fabulous orchestra of crickets and other insects playing into the night. As for "the summer wind", I am not really a Sinatra fan. He was more famous for that old song than the original writer, Johnny Mercer. In the 80's though, I was super into Mickey Rourke. Mickey had a pretty good run of iconic 80's films. That song was in one of his 80's sleepers "the Pope of Greenwich Village.

He had a great look in that movie:

Press photo of Mickey rourke in the Pope of Greenwich Village weearing classic raybans, ssage green blazer, white tshirt looking sharp


Now he's some type of a demi-hybrid human. I still dig him though,
he's a true character and never disappoints.

Mikey Rourke circa 20-teens


Another thing that definitely does not disappoint? 


lee house pet salve - 100% lickable displays image of amazing pet salve, yarrow flowers, and satisfed pet customers


We have been getting the best feedback from pet owners who are loving it!
One of our wonderful customers shared this story with us on
her experience with Pet Salve:


"Amazing! 100% would buy again. I just rescued my dog from the shelter and she has bald patches on her elbows and after one use her hair started to grow back."
-Ashley, OH. 

Its antibacterial properties help prevent infection, and its tissue - and cell-regenerative properties help wounds heal faster. 

Pamper your buddies with some pet salve.

Tin of pet salve All-Purpose Healing Salve for Cats and Dogs has a light green ;abel with dark green text



Leslie watering the garden on a beautiful day with vibrant ble sky


Leslie has been very busy finishing exciting new batches of highly potent tinctures, essences, and extracts and we have new items in our shop that we can't wait to share with you. We also have an ETSY STORE where we are able to offer live plants for those of you who are into it! LeeHouse Gardens on ETSY.

Over 700 sales and loads of great feedback, check it out! 
I am proud of the reach we are getting there. 
We've been having so much fun creating stuff for you and getting to hear your feedback. Truly, we cannot express how great it is to share the real power of our handmade organic herbal products.

- Darren and Leslie Lee -



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